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I am greatful I got a chance to give a presentation on the 4th Cutting Edge Seminar on Clinical Pathophysiology. For me it was the first presentation on the international symposium which was great experience. Additional experience was online edition of the symposium which was pretty convenient.  It was encouraging to see  young researchers from other countries who share the same interest in science. I am also thankful to moderators who shared with us their knowledge, especially about some of the basic principles in the pathophysiology, which can be helpful both in science and clinical practice. I hope the symposium will also be held in the following years as it is perfect opportunity for students to do their first steps in the world of science.

Joško Bilandžić,
5th year student, School of Medicine Zagreb, Croatia


I would like to thank you for hosting this very interesting and educative event. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate. Event was organized very successfully even in this online environment. All of the presenters held amazing presentations. Your comments and stories raised the experience to an even higher level and I learned a lot from them. I also appreciate the opportunity to connect and communicate with medical students and doctors from Russia and other countries. I can only look forward to meeting you soon, as well as being a part of this symposium again. 

Fran Rode 


I am very glad to have attended Russo-Croatian Symposium. I was sorry that the situation did not allow the symposium to be held in the classical way. However, the virtual symposium was very well organised and conducted without difficulties. I have got insight into some interesting and useful topics and have gained experience in presenting in English in an academic setting. I hope that the Russo-Croatian Symposium will be held next year as well, and that I will have the opportunity to participate again. In the end, I want to thank You for invitation to this event.

Anđela Krstulović Opara,
The fifth year student of medicine,
Medical Faculty University of Zagreb


I want to sincerely thank you for giving me the opportunity to lecture at the symposium. Since it was the first experience of this kind for myself, it will definitely help me in future presentations.

Furthermore, it was also nice to see students from different countries collaborating and sharing knowledge with each other. I really enjoyed listening to other presentations through which I gained new knowledge on different topics. Also, the remarks and comments made by yourself and professor Kovač were thought provoking and interesting. I greatly appreciate your idea of a potential science paper concerning Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in relation to COVID-19. In general, it was a great experience and I would really like to be a part of this symposium again.

Filip Grladinović


It was a great honor and pleasure participating in online symposium ISP 4th Cutting Edge Seminar on Clinical Pathophysiology this weekend.

I'm grateful for a given chance to present my research to other young scientists and medical professionals. The lectures covered various fields of medicine, which made this congres truly interesting and useful. I hope this kind of event will continue to bring our universities together in the future. Thank you for your engagement and hosting. I'm looking forward to hearing from you again and possible collaboration on some research topic.

Best regards,
Antun Z. Kovač, medical student
University of Zagreb


Хочу поблагодарить организаторов конференции за проведение мероприятия на высоком уровне. Для молодых ученых, начинающих специалистов, студентов, школьников участие в такого рода мероприятии является очень важным, поскольку позволяет развить умение формулировать и доносить свою мысль к коллегам, позволяет осознать важность научного развития в решении актуальных вопросов и проблем. Все замечания со стороны более опытных ученых позволяют выявить проблемные моменты и отдельные направления, над которыми стоить дальше работать. Спасибо огромное за возможность участвовать в Вашей конференции, успехов Вам в дальнейшей работе.

С уважением,
Андрей Дубко, м.н.с.
Международный государственный экологический институт им. А.Д. Сахарова Белорусского государственного университета.
Минск, Республика Беларусь

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